Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Bible Talks About Perfection And Spiritual Maturity

Perfection, what is it? Is it getting things totally the way we want it? Who says what perfection is? In our Christian life, God says what perfection is, but if God says what perfection is and he is perfect perfection, how can we as humans make it to that level of perfection? The Bible talks about perfection in many ways. Most of the time it is used in the form of a human’s spiritual maturity. Humans will never reach perfect perfection until they get to heaven. While we are still here on earth, we are continually striving for another meaning of the word perfect, which is the perfection that God has, actual perfection. As long as we are trying to have the best maturity possible, we will get the best that God has for us while we are†¦show more content†¦The Bible also talks about the old covenant not making people perfect, but the new covenant made them perfect later. This basically means that the old covenant really did not do anything for them, but it made t hem eligible for the new covenant, which in turn made them perfect. All of the meanings basically mean known fully, or fully mature, or complete. For what we are learning here, we are going to look at only two previously stated meanings. Those meanings can be found in Philippians 3:12 and 3:15. They are actual perfection (God’s perfection) and spiritual maturity (a Christian’s perfection). Philippians 3:15 says that whoever is perfect we are supposed to be in the same mind as Paul, but if they are not, God would reveal it to them. If this were actual perfection we as humans would not be able to attain it, but, on the other hand, if we are not as spiritually mature as God wants us to be, he could let us know and lead us in that direction. The meaning of perfect is totally opposite in Philippians 3:12. Paul talks about not having gotten to the point of being perfect. Paul is human so until he reaches heaven he will never attain the actual perfection. He will be t rying to get closer but he will not reach it until heaven. Paul is talking about God’s actual perfection which he is still working to grasp ahold of. In these two verses perfect is used as God’s actual perfection, attained only in heaven, and the spiritual maturity which keeps growing

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